Monday, May 2, 2011

Vitamin D is crucial to maintain wellness

At least 50% to 75% of the general population is suffering from Vitamin D deficiency, in other words when blood tests are done the level of Vitamin D in their body is below 50% of the recommended levels. Why should you be concerned about Vitamin D deficiency? Adequate levels of Vitamin D provide the following benefits to your health:
Ø  Relief from chronic pain, especially in the lower back region.
Ø  Lower risk of Prostate Cancer, the higher the level of Vitamin D (within the recommended levels) the lower the risk of Prostate Cancer.
Ø  Increased bone growth and bone density, especially important to women over 40 years of age.
Ø  Healthy levels of Vitamin D are necessary for the thyroid to function properly, increasing energy levels and endurance.
Ø  Research indicates that children of men who maintain healthy levels of Vitamin D during the reproductive years are much less likely to suffer from Autism.
Ø  Healthy levels of Vitamin D decrease the incidence of Heart Disease.
Ø  The risk of Diabetes is reduced when healthy levels of Vitamin D are maintained in the body.
Ø  The body’s immune system is strengthened by high levels of Vitamin D.
Ø  Vitamin D protects the liver and reduces inflammation in the liver, aiding the body’s ability to detoxify itself.
Vitamin D is a powerful antioxidant, protecting the body from free radicals. Vitamin D is especially beneficial in protecting the body when exposure to radiation is a concern (as it is now along the west coast of the USA due to the radiation from Japan’s damaged reactor).
As we age, our bodies lose the ability to produce adequate levels of Vitamin D. Vitamin D production is increased as our skin is exposed to sunshine. The theory has been that the more you exposed your body to the sun the more Vitamin D that was produced. However, more and more studies are showing that, even with adequate exposure to the sun, most people are still suffering from Vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D deficiency symptoms are depression, chronic fatigue, weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis. If you experience any of these symptoms, or you suffer with chronic pain, you could be Vitamin D deficient.

1.      Our bodies need adequate Vitamin D to maintain optimum health.
2.      Exposure to sunlight will not provide high enough levels of Vitamin D for our bodies to perform at peak levels of wellness.
3.      You need to supplement the Vitamin D being produced by your body with a high quality Vitamin D supplement, if you want to feel your best and live well.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! I was recently diagnosed as Vitamin D deficient and had no idea of all the adverse effects to my health. Good information...
